Some time ago I posted a message about getting together some code for the DS1302 which would endow the average user with the necessary information and code to make full use of the chip's 12 & 24 hours modes, as well as intuitive access to the on-board RAM.· So far this seems to have been a difficult thing to achieve easily.· By searching some 17 different threads on problems using the DS1302 in the last couple of years, it seemed like a good thing to cover.

The DS1302 is a very useful chip for keeping time, supporting 12 & 24 Hour Modes, as well as having 31 bytes of RAM available.· All of this can be backed up by either a battery, or SuperCap, and the chip even provides a trickle-charge circuit which is programmable, but not covered here.· The datasheet for the DS1302 can be found at the link below...

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