"Project of the week" [BASIC Stamp]


"Project of the week" [BASIC Stamp]

Proyecto de la semana en Parallax

Miembros: 4
Última actividad: 7 Mar 2014

Imágenes de los proyectos

Foro de discusión

Boe-Bot Robot Corridor Navigation

Iniciada por Lorenzo M. Oliver 7 Nov 2011. 0 Respuestas

This is a place holder for additional material (coming soon) for corridor navigation with infrared sensors after you have completed Chapters 7 and 8 in Robotics with the Boe-Bot. Just a couple…-

Etiquetas: navegación, sensores, boebot

Autonomous/RC Human Bot

Iniciada por Lorenzo M. Oliver 14 Jun 2011. 0 Respuestas

I am a 24 yr old student at York Technical Institute studying electrical engineering and this is my robot that I have been building for a project and wanted to share with all students, educators, and…-

Etiquetas: autónomo, propeller, basic stamp, servos

Emulate a Microsoft Serial BallPoint/Mouse

Iniciada por Lorenzo M. Oliver 28 Feb 2011. 0 Respuestas

When I tried to connect a GPS module (USB version, and I know there is a USB to Serial chip inside the module) to my computer, I found that Windows would recognize it as a Microsoft Serial BallPoint…-

Etiquetas: ratón, mouse

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