The Stamps in Class Program introduces microcontroller programming and electronics side-by-side using the BASIC Stamp 2 and Board of Education or HomeWork Board. Each tutorial in the series contains a set of hands-on, do-it-yourself, activities featuring a theme such as inventions, robotics, sensors or process control.
As a supplement to our Stamps in Class texts, this page provies an instructional bank of additional classroom projects. Designed to help engage students with relatable projects, each "Mini Project" contains full source code, "How it Works" explanations, schematics, and wiring diagrams. In order to promote self-study, many projects are accompanied with an introductory video highlighting the important aspects of the project.
The Stamps in Class texts that are prerequisites to many of the Mini Projects are available for PDF download. To see the whole series, click on the Stamps in Class Program Overview link at Then, click on a book to go to that kit's product page where you will find the PDF under the Downloads & Resources heading at the bottom of the page.Happy Developing!
Ping)))(TM) Ultrasonic Detector
Parallax Serial LCD
Boe-Bot + Ping))) Ultrasonic Rangefinder
Boe-Bot + Accelerometer
Boe-Bot + Bluetooth
Additional What's a Microcontroller Projects
Additional Smart Sensors Projects
RF Communication
Just for Fun
Maker Faire Workshops
Slide shows and example program files are now available from the Parallax web site's
Presentations page.
Robotics with the Boe-Bot Demonstrations
Also, see
Robotics with the Boe-Bot, Chapters 7 and 8.